
E-ISSN 2349-7017

International Journal of Innovative Research In Information Security

A Monthly Journal of Computer Science & Information Security
(Double - Blind Peer Review Journal)

P-ISSN 2349-7009

International Journal of Innovative Research in Information Security (IJIRIS) is a leading international referred Computer Science & Information security research journal for publication of new ideas founded by academicians, educationist, administrator and corporate people. The research results and fundamental advancement are all aspects of innovative Research in Information Security and various disciplines, etc. IJIRIS is a scholarly open access Double Blind Peer Review Journal which helps to academic person as well as student community. IJIRIS provides the academic community and industry for the submission of original research and applications related to Various Computer Science discipline and Advanced Technologies.

Aim & Scope:

The core of the vision IJIRIS is sharing the innovative ideas and current trends in Computer science & Information Security Technology. In every year majority of the research works get lost due to lack of effective scientific archival systems. It also provides a place for high opportunities for practitioners, corporate people, PG Scholars, Research Scholars to present ongoing research and development in their Computer Science areas

IJIRIS invites authors for the guest editorship program for improving the journal quality and also sharing the innovative ideas. IJIRIS planned to publish top-level work form all areas of Computer science, Information Security research and their applications

Salient Features:

    Strict Plagiarism Policy

    Impact Factor :4.34

    IJIRIS- Provide Individual “Digital Object Identifier (DOI)” Number of Each Article

    Peer reviewed Journal

    Open access Journal

    Reputed Editorial Board

    Rapid/Fast Track publication

    Fully Archived Journal

    High Visibility & Indexing

    High Impact Factor Journal

    Nominal Processing & Publishing Charges

    Response will be given within 12 hours.

    The paper will be reviewed within Two days.

    Author will get their Acceptance/Rejection Notification within 3 days of submitting paper.

    All the accepted papers will be Open accessible with full PDF download.

    All Authors will get Soft copy of certificate, letter of acceptance, reviewer evaluation grading